
the world is quiet here

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

noël arrive.

Did you even have any idea the Santa Houses in malls around the USA make about $2,255,750,000 taking pictures?
Do you agree that this ia amazing? I believe Hannah and I will join their ranks this year, as mom has asked ONLY for a picture of us with santa. 


and here's a list of Christmas things you are dying, dying to know. 

adorable: The tradition of putting tangerines in stockings comes from 12th-century French nuns who left socks full of fruit, nuts and tangerines at the houses of the poor.

for anyone who wants to take a more critical look at christmas: There is no reference to angels singing anywhere in the Bible.
JESUS was probably born in a cave and not a wooden stable, say Biblical scholars. (although that is adorable, it's like Jesus was a baby bear.)

if you need a reason all wars are bad, take this one to your war-loving relatives: IN 1647, after the English Civil War, Oliver Cromwell banned festivities. The law wasn't lifted until 1660. (clearly wars always cause an end to anything having legs)

and if you want to be a christmas-chub:  MANY parts of the Christmas tree can actually be eaten, with the needles being a good source of Vitamin C.

if you just like to laugh: ASTRONOMERS believe the Star Of Bethlehem, which guided the wisemen to Jesus, may have been a comet or the planet Uranus.

if you want to hate America: UPSIDE-down artificial Xmas trees are sold to allow more gifts to be piled under.

welcome to the season. :

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